Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lordy Lordy Vincie Is 40

Vincie turned 40 today the girls made him a cake and i bought him old phart pills :)

Back To School

First day of school was August 27,
Vicki has Mrs. Shutler we had her for brandi...i cant belive she is in 4th grade
Brandi is in 7th she has Mrs. Bowers
And a cool part is our neighbor Nick Furbee is a teacher and got a job at mannington and he is one of brandis teachers,

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mannington Parade

Brandi's Birthday

Brandi was licking the cake..Then they ganged up on Uncle Josh and got him with water ballons.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Some of Our Zoo

Brandi and her baby Sky....And Yes Vicki is afraid of her...And she doesnt like vincie as you can tell she is attacking him..But he farts in the cage and bamgs it

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Brandi's Birthday

I am late as always but here is one of brandi's birthday i will get her cake on later