Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Day

We all Had a GREAT Christmas...I got earings a new robe and some pj's..
The BIGGEST baby got lincion logs a rc hummer 3 and pj's a new ps2 game and pj's
We hope everyone had a nice Christmas and has a Safe New Years.

Christmas Eve At Mom's

Christmas Eve at moms is always noisey and crowded but i love it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ealry Gifts

A picture is worth a thousand words...

GingerBread People

Vincie Has to Do an X-Rated one
Brandi has a freaky lil one
Vicki wanted a pretty one

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snow Day

The First snow day of the year,and the girls LOVE it.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Vicki And Her Trophys

Vicki'ss Banquet Awards Dinner

Vicki and her Instructor Dee Wolfe
Vicki with one of the aides Crystal and her friend Vicki
My Two Little Nuts

Manningto Christmas Parade

The Front Of Brandi
The Back Of Brandi