She BEAT all the boys!!!!!!!!!!! Out of the other boys the highest was a 9 point and Brandi's is a 10 :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Brandi's First Deer
Posted by Angel Culotta at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
All the girls did GREAT....They brought home a total of 10 1st and 2nd place trophy's
Vicki was so nervous,,I asked her if she heard me yellin for her and she told me no i was shaking to much....
Posted by Angel Culotta at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
R.I.P Sky
Brandi's Favorite Bird died sunday night....We called every vet in the phone book and the closest vet who cared for birds was in Parkersburgh...So Brokenhearted brandi is going to specialize in birds,
Posted by Angel Culotta at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Brandi's New Favorite Animal
They Had a animal safari as the sign said at mannington shop n save..It had a monkey a tiger a white tiger a black panther ..then it had the ones you can feed....It had baby goats it had a camel it had brandis favorite The LLAMA....
She was feeding it she took a step back and all of a sudden.....EEEWWWW the LLAM spit on her.....LOLOL....she had food she just fed it all over her glasses all in her hair..She was yellin for me to help but i couldnt do anything but laugh....
Posted by Angel Culotta at 8:25 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Look Out For ATTACKING DEER!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday Morning A BIG 8 or 10 point deer Ran into vincie going to work...Usally he hits them so i guess this was pay back...The Car looks worse than the pics...
Posted by Angel Culotta at 12:12 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Happy 13th Birthday Brandi
I Can't Believe my baby is 13....How the years just seem to fly by.
It seems like yesterday when she was just a lil baby...But now she is a teen AWWWWWWWWWWW Help TEEN YEARS....
Posted by Angel Culotta at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Vicki goes to Parkersburg with the Rockettes for compilation....Dee the instructor doesn't take all the girls...It will be Sept.20...Vicki has wanted to go since last year so she has been VERY EXCITED.......WAY TO GO VICKI
Posted by Angel Culotta at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Brandi leaves Monday for band camp...She is in the North Marion Marching Band...
She will be doing football games halftime shows and more parades...She is really Excited.WAY TO GO BRANDI...
Posted by Angel Culotta at 7:40 AM 1 comments